måndag 30 september 2013
Radio Nord Revival from Latvia on 1485 kHz
Starting on Wednesday, October 2 at 1900 UTC, Radio Nord Revival will be conducting a series of test transmissions over Radio Merkurs on 1485 kHz, each transmission being one hour. Maximum power is 2,7 kW and the aerial is directed towards Stockholm. Reception reports are welcome to info@rock.x.se and we are especially interested in how the reception is on ordinary household receivers, transistor radios and car radios. If you want a QSL card, reception reports with return postage can be sent to
Ronny Forslund
Radio Nord Revival Test transmissions
Vita Huset
SE-17995 Svartsjö
Broadcast times may be changed depending on reception conditions. Programmes will contain recordings and spots from 1960s offshore station Radio Nord plus lots of music from the early 60s. For updates please check out our blog www.radionordrevival.blogspot.com (Ronny Forslund, ARC)
söndag 29 september 2013
Bretagne 5 testing on 1593 kHz
1593 kHz Bretagne 5 is now testing with 5? kW from Saint-Gouéne in Brittany. The test will continue until tomorrow. Partly good reception in southern Sweden, but QRM from Romania. Information from Christopher Ratzer. (Bengt Ericson, ARC, Växjö)
torsdag 26 september 2013
Bergen Kringkaster testing on 1314 and 5895 kHz today!
Thursday Sept 26th LKB/LLE will be broadcasting on 1314 Khz MW and 5895 kHz SW USB from 1130-@1400 UTC. Reports as sound files in mp3 to: report@bergenkringkaster.no (Svenn Martinsen via Tore Larsson, ARC)
söndag 22 september 2013
Radio 10 from the Netherlands has now closed down on 828 kHz
Radio 10 on 828 kHz has now closed its normal programs on MW. A tape asking the listeners to move to FM is now running. (Bengt Ericson, ARC)
828 kHz,
ARC Newsflash,
Radio 10
fredag 20 september 2013
Radio City on the air Sept. 20-21
Radio City:
Friday 20th:
18.00 to 19.00 UTC on 7290 kHz via IRRS, and MW 1368 kHz from Padova, Italy
Saturday 21st:
08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 9510 kHz via IRRS, also at 19.00 to 20.00 UTC on 1485 kHz via R Merkurs
in Latvia with a weekly separate programme.
Email:citymorecars@yahoo.ca (via Bengt Ericson, ARC)
1368 kHz,
1485 kHz,
Radio City,
Radio Merkurs,
tisdag 10 september 2013
AFN Lajes Field, Azores 1503 kHz
1503 AFN, Lajes, Azores was heard this morning just before sunrise at 0600 UTC when RNE was weak. Clear ID at 0600 then news in AFN-style with relaying different news agencies. Reception with QRM from the 2 Spanish stations on the frequency. AFN faded away at 0620. The reception was made from the 10th floor at the Sweet Atlantic hotel in Figueira da Foz in Portugal (EDXC 2013 site) located just at the Atlantic Ocean.(Bengt Ericson, ARC)
1503 kHz,
ARC Newsflash,
Lajes Field,
fredag 6 september 2013
Test transmissions from LLE-3 Bergen on MW 1314 plus SW
Try if you hear us ! With LLE-3, we will be on the air on 5895 kHz
USB in the 49-meter band. App. 45 watts. 1314 kHz will follow soon. Note: We
still broadcast old announcements. New and updated will be in place next
week. Reports to: styret@bergenkringkaster.no
More broadcasts soon.
If you would like a QSL please send us preferably Norwegian Stamps.
LKB LLE Bergen Kringkaster/Radio Northern Star
onsdag 4 september 2013
Deutschlandsender Kultur, Berlin-Britz off air
Deutschlandsender Kultur, Berlin-Britz closed its operation on 990 kHz at 0938 UTC on September 4th. During the early evening Radio Sawa from Cyprus and Radio Iran from Shiraz "took over" the frequency.
Bengt Ericson, ARC, Växjö
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