fredag 22 december 2017

Christmas greetings from members and friends of the Arctic Radio Club

It's that time of the year again.... Here we have some Christmas Greetings from near and far. First we have a nice pic from Sietse Brouwer of Radio Seagull, showing their radio ship:


Greetings from our member Odd Påg. Can you spot Santa Claus?

From the listening shack in Parkalompolo, Sweden: greetings from Göran Norstedt:

Hasse Mattisson send us this pic of his Christmas Smorgasbord:

Torgeir Woxen sent his Xmas greetings to our secretary Tore Larsson:

Desde Colombia y nuestros amigos de La Voz de tu Conciencia y Alcaravan Radio:


måndag 4 december 2017

New MW station on the air from Italy on 1098 kHz

A new low power Italian local station from Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna province). Active on 1098 kHz; 711 kHz authorized but not on the air for the time being. (Fabrizio Magrone in the Medium Wave Circle Facebook-group)

onsdag 3 maj 2017

Välkommen till årets ARC/SWB-konvent på lördag

Årets ARC/SWB-konvent går av stapeln 6-7 maj samtidigt som DX-parlamentet på Södra Vätterbygdens Folkhögskola.När ARC-medlemmar kommer till skolan på lördag så gå till receptionen. Där sitter BE och tar emot, ni får rumsnyckel och anvisning om väg samt parkeringsplats. Välkomna på lördag till Jönköping. (BE)

tisdag 25 april 2017

Arctic Radio 1593, Jönköping on the air during this year's convention

Arctic Radio Club in Sweden celebrates the 2017 Convention in Jönköping, Sweden May 6 & 7th. Our radiostation ( the radio van above) will be on the air with many different type of programs, mostly in Swedish. The transmitter will have a power of 250 W (ERP) on 1593 kHz and the antenna is located on a high hill near lake Vättern. In the evening of May 5th we will start tests. There will be station identifications in English, too.
The official start will be May 6th at 1900 UTC and the programs will be running until local sunrise in Jönköping.
On the 7th we start the programs at 0800 UTC and the sign off will be at 1100 UTC On Sunday around 1000 we will celebrate the local Radio Jönköping and its 40th year of broadcasting on FM. All in Swedish.
Reception reports are appreciated and a special QSL-card is issued. Your reception reports can be sent to Ronny Forslund, Arctic Radio 1593, 17995 Svartsjö. Return postage is required for a QSL card. You can also mail your report to and these reports will be verified by email.

Arctic Radio Club anordnar sitt konvent den 6 och 7 maj 2017 i Jönköping. Vår radiostation är inrymd i bussen på bilden ovan och vi kommer att sända olika program, mestadels på svenska. Sändaren har en effekt  på 250 watt (ERP) och frekvensen är 1593 kHz (=188 meter). Antennen är monterad högt uppe på en bergknalle nära Vätterns strand . Redan på fredagskvällen den 5 maj räknar vi med att köra testsändningar, speciellt efter 1900 UTC, då de rumänska starka sändarna har stängt för kvällen.
Den officiella starten blir den 6 maj kl. 1900 UTC. Vi kör då programmen fram till soluppgången söndag morgon för att ev. utländska lyssnare skall kunna höra stationen.
Den 7 maj startar sändningarna 0800 UTC och kl. 1000 UTYC kommer vi att hylla lokalradion Radio Jönköping, som fyller 40 år, Den lokalradiostationen var bland de första på mellanvågen redan år 1924.  Sändningarna avslutas kring 1100 UTC.
Lyssnarrapporter mottages och ett speciellt QSL-kort sänds till dem som medsänt svarsporto. Övriga får ett e-mail QSL. Adress för rapporter: Ronny Forslund, Arctic Radio 1593, 17995 Svartsjö. Mejlrapporter kan sändas till och dessa besvaras per epost..

måndag 20 mars 2017

Voice of Hope now testing on 1287 kHz

ISRAEL Voice of Hope tested Sunday March 19th on 1287 kHz with a power of approx. 10 kW. Bengt Ericson, ARC is the first reporter worldwide. They will be testing from the AM site at She´ar Yashuv in Israel and expect to be on the air with regular programs in 2-3 weeks. The answer from Ray Robinson, Vice President, Global Operations, Strategic Communicatio Group - Voice of Hope: " Hi Bengt. Yes, indeed we were (testing)!. The transmitter near the Israel /Lebanon border were completed this afternoon(Sunday March 19th) and at times they ran it with a test tone mostly running at 10 kW, but they did run it up to 50 kW. Yours is the first report we have received! We expect to be testing this week with audio and ID "Saout al Amal" in Arabic pr in English "From the shores of the Sea of Galilee, this is the Voice of Hope". ( Information from Ray Robinson via Mauno Ritola, ARC 19.10.2017) (Bengt Ericson, ARC)

fredag 10 februari 2017

Radio Pakistan switching to DRM+

Radio Pakistan is converting its AM and FM transmitters to DRM+
technology. DRM is more spectrally efficient than both AM and FM. It
allows more stations in a given bandwidth but it does that at a much
higher quality than either AM or FM.
The present AM and FM transmitters of Radio Pakistan can be made
compatible to this technology with little amendment and to make its
broadcasts clearer and cost-effective.
Director General, Radio Pakistan Mr Khurshid Malik visited the project
at Broadcasting House in Islamabad and he was informed that under this
technology, three channels can be aired from a single transmitter, which
will prove cost-effective.
This technology enables listeners to get access to text services as
well. Malik emphasized the need of improving contents of programmes
besides introducing modern technology to cater the need of all segments
of society.
Mike Terry, dxld yg via Jan Edh (10/2-2017)