onsdag 30 oktober 2013

Bergen Kringkaster LKB/LLE on the air with new tests

LKB/LLE is on the air with new test broadcasts this week under its test and development license issued by NPT from LLE-2 (1314 kHz) and LLE-3 (5895 kHz), Morning Broadcast today Wednesday @0615-0900 UTC, and afternoon broadcast tomorrow Thursday @1500-1700 UTC. This fall, we've had semi-regular transmissions Tuesday and Wednesday mornings as well as Thursday afternoon. Especially interested in reports today and tomorrow as our CE Øystein made improvements in the modulation on MW last evening. We made a brief test on 1314 then. Especially the morse ident should travel well now. And, we are looking for the specs of our Western Electric! Our QSL card has arrived, and are being sent out, but still reports are welcome! Address: Box 100, N5331 RONG, NORWAY or report@bergenkringkaster.no.
This information may be reposted!

73 de Svenn (Svenn Martinsen, ARC)

tisdag 29 oktober 2013

ARCTIC RADIO CLUB special Christmas programmes

Radio Merkurs in Riga, Latvia will be broadcasting special Christmas programmes for ARC on the 22nd and 28th December 2013 via the transmitter near the seaside resort Jurmala on the Latvian west coast broadcasting on 1485 kHz. The schedule is 1500-1600 Swedish time = 1400-1500 UTC.
The programs will be produced by the ARC member Ronny Forslund (Ronny B Goode) and every member that wants to send a special dedication can do so. Send your mp3 file with your Christmas greetings and your music request to info@rock.x.se. If you have a recording of your requested music, please include it. Deadline for contributions is December 15.

ARTIC RADIO CLUB will confirm all correct reports with our special QSL-card. Send your report and mp3-file to: info@rock.x.se  or ARC, c/o Ronny Forslund, Vita Huset, SE-17995 SVARTSJÖ, SWEDEN. If you want a QSL card, please include some form of return postage. Email reports will be confirmed by email.

tisdag 8 oktober 2013

Test transmissions from Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications on 1593 kHz

Hi, all! We are glad to inform you that for tomorrow we have planned a test AM transmission. Of course ZS-1 will be used. Frequency 1593 kHz, power 10W PEP. Just music for the beginning... We are going to start at 12:00 UTC and finish at 13:00-13:30 UTC. The frequency belongs to the Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation). Coordinates of the station: 59.902799,30.489243 In future a power amplifier will be added and broadcasting will be more regular. (Gromov Alexandr via Tracey Gardner, mwcircle 8.10.2013 via Tore Larsson, ARC)

Further tests from Bergen Kringkaster

LKB/LLE (Norwegian test and development analog/digital license from NPT for Foreningen Bergen Kringkaster) plans to be on the air on 1314 and 5895 kHz from @0500 to 0730 UTC on Wednesday 9th of October . Next broadcast is planned for Thursday 10th of October in the afternoon from 1430-1630 UTC. Report to: report@bergenkringkaster.no If you want a QSL-card, please send written report enclosing Norwegian stamps for foreign postage or 3$ bills, to: LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster PO BOX 100, N5331 RONG, NORWAY. If possible also enclose printed address label to ease our work, as many reports already have arrived! (Svenn Martinsen, ARC via Tore Larsson, ARC)