måndag 19 oktober 2015

Hörby Mellanvåg 1179 on the air 24/7

Hörby Mellanvåg 1179 kHz is now on the air 24 h/day. Low power transmitter. The transmitter has been moved to Karlsfält, where the first Radio Sweden MW-transmitter centre at Hörby was located. It is 5 km south of Hörby. Listener´s report of reception is appreciated. For more information: www.veteranljuddagen.se where there is also a form for submitting reception reports. (Bengt Ericson, ARC).

onsdag 7 oktober 2015

Local programmes from Vinnytsia 1377 kHz, Ukraine

1377 kHz The local radiostation in Vinnytsia, western Ukraine, is on the air a few hours a day. Heard in Växjö on October 7th at 1359 with ID" Radio Khvylia" then  the short version of the main newscast from Ukrainske Radio. Local news from the area followed. Local weather at 1413. Just before 1430 the station disappeared (closed ?) and France Info dominated the frequency. Info thanks to Mauno Ritola, WRTH.   (Bengt Ericson, ARC)

måndag 5 oktober 2015

Radio Luxemburg 1440 closing down

On the 31st of December this year the transmitter of Radio Luxemburg 1440 kHz will be closed. Latest April 1st, 2016  all steel constructions shall have been removed. Some works have already been started. All info thru Christian Milling referring to the newspaper  Luxemburger Wort of October 3rd, 2015. (Bengt Ericson, ARC)