fredag 30 november 2012

World Radio TV Handbook 2013 is on its way

The WRTH 2013 edition was sent by DHL on Friday Nov 30th from UK to the Arctic Radio Club. I expect the book to be in the members´ mailbox during the next week. (Bengt Ericson, ARC Växjö)

onsdag 28 november 2012

Radio Station OZNRH, Danmark 1611 kHz, ex 1593 kHz

Meddelande till NORDX  från Karl-Erik Stridh CES:

Jag har nu fått följande information från stationen som sänder regelbundet 21 - 00 lokal tid med 10 Watt:

Hej her igen til mine 'forsøger at lytte, lyttere' :-D.

Efter 'moden tænksommelighed' har jeg givet mig og overladt frekvensen 1593 kHz. til den Rumænske 'frekvensdrage' og flyttet hele butikken til 1611 kHz. Her optræder der godt nok med mellemrum den Hollandske pirat 'Radio Barones', men da han ofte ikke kan blive enig med sig selv om hvad hans frekvens egentlig er (se Google og YouTube), så sker der nok ikke de store ulykker ved dette frekvensvalg jeg har taget, men lad os se hvad som ske :-).

Håber jeres radioer kan gå disse 18 kHz. højere op i frekvens? Mere info også på vores hjemmeside:

Bedste 73s fra den stor-frygtelige Ole Pirat :-). (via Bengt Ericson, ARC)

tisdag 27 november 2012

Radio Seagull 1395 AM off air

Due to damage to the aerial system on the radio ship Jenni Baynton, caused by a fierce storm on Sunday, 1395 AM will be off the air for probably the next few days. The engineers, whilst working on the necessary repairs, will also take the opportunity to make some adjustments and this will avoid them having to switch it off again in the near future.

Transmissions on 1602 AM (from 7 pm till 7 am CET) will continue uninterrupted as will the stereo internet feed which is “on air” 24 hours a day.

We apologise for any inconvenience and look forward to welcoming you back to 1395 AM later this week.            (Radio Seagull webpage 2012.11.27 via BE, ARC)

Reminder: Anniversary broadcast from LKB/LLE, Norway 1314 kHz

Tomorrow Wednesday November 28th LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster at 60 degrees 26 minutes North  05 degrees 12 minutes East 1314 kHz AM/Medium Wave will transmit all day from 0600 CET until Midnight relaying NRK P1/NRK Hordaland 89,1 FM. We will also be using local IDs in English and Norwegian as well as in Morse Code. A 15 metres Comrod/Tjøstheim antenna will be used with the 250 watts Western Electric rig used by Odda Kringkaster that operated on 1466 kHz until Nov.1st, 1978(previous call sign LLU, now LLE2)We anticipate it now will run at @150 watts.
This event is in connection with the 75 years anniversary of Bergen Broadcasting Station, starting official transmissions November 28th, 1937 on 260 kHz.

The furthest proven reception so far is from Örnsköldsvik, Sweden, at 775 km! Given good conditions this time we hope to reach many more countries.

Reception reports as sound files in mp3 to !

On the coming Saturday at 12 Noon there will be a celebration at the site, as well as more transmissions!

Svenn Martinsen, ARC
Broadcast Coordinator

For further information please check out these links:

måndag 12 november 2012

Testsändnngar från LKB/LLE Bergen 1314 kHz

PRØVESENDINGER på AM fra Bergen Kringkaster, Askøy! I går kveld var LKB/LLE på luften med prøvesendinger på Mellombølgen 1314 kHz fra den gamle Odda-senderen (kjenningssignal LLU) med ca.50 watts effekt. Middels styrke her vest for Bergen i konkurranse med Emiratene og Spania. Program er så langt NRKs gamle pause-og kjenningssignal. Vi ønsker fortrinnsvis lydfilrapporter i mp3. Flere prøvesendinger kan ventes de kommende dager, forhåpentligvis kan vi matche den opprinnelige effekten(250 watt) på Western Electric-senderen(WE 451A-1) som vi fremdeles leter etter skjema til. Vi tar sikte på jubileumssending(75 år)28.november. m.m. Stor takk til Øystein Ask (LA7CFA) som er sjefstekniker i arbeidet med å få den gamle Odda-senderen på lufta fra Erdal. Se bilde av 15 m Comrod/Tjøstheim antenne på  (Svenn Martinsen, ARC)

söndag 11 november 2012

Radio 700 Kall, Germany testing on 1593 kHz

Radio 700 mediumwave relay on 1593 kHz from Kall in West Germany tested on Sunday, November 11th between 1600-1700 UTC but the signal was too weak to reach Southern Sweden. Reports from Flensburg in Germany and Salzburg in Austria reports no reception.(Bengt Ericson, ARC, Växjö)

fredag 9 november 2012

DR Kultur 990 still on the air

Deutschlandradio Kultur in Berlin on 990 kHz seems to be on the air over the weekend when demounting work is having a break.  (Bengt Ericson, ARC, Växjö)

onsdag 7 november 2012

Deutschlandradio 990 kHz off the air

Deutschlandradio Kultur in Britz, Berlin on 990 kHz is temporarily off due to demounting of the 855 kHz-tower. This report from D.Kähler, (A-DX via Bengt Ericson, ARC).

fredag 2 november 2012

Brådskande information till ARC:s melemmar

Redaktionen för MV-EKO vill påmimnna om:
¤ Beställningar av T-shirts med ARC-emblem. Brådskande!!! Info till Tore Larsson
¤ Intresseanmälan till Hasse Mattisson inför konventet. Brådskande!!! ( se mer detaljer i senaste MV-EKO)
¤ Beställningar av WRTH-2013, Deadline 21 november. Beställningar till Bengt Ericson

torsdag 1 november 2012

BBC Radio Essex and Hereford Worcester closing down

The BBC is running a further trial commencing on the 30th October - 6th November 2012 to switch off existing MW services at two more local radio stations, Radio Essex and Radio Hereford & Worcester. While extending the trail for Radio Nottingham and Radio Kent MW frequency (1602 MW). This is because we want to assess the impact of a longer term switch off given the low number of response in these areas. Why are you doing this? The BBC is required to make savings. One option to make savings and preserve value to licence fee payers is to switch off MW services except where listeners depend upon MW as an alternative to FM and DAB. MW services mainly duplicate what is already available on FM and DAB, and most listeners will be able to hear their local stations on FM. The BBC is also committed to a full roll out of local radio stations across the DAB network. If local radio is not already available on DAB it will be in the future. The aim of the trial is to get a better understanding of the impact of the loss of MW for our core listeners and also enable us to ensure adequate coverage is available on other platforms in these areas.  (via Steve Whitt, mwcircle 31.10.2012 via Tore Larsson, ARC)