onsdag 14 december 2011

Christmas greetings from members of the ARC

First a greeting from our old friend BEFF Björn Fransson of Gotland:

Next we have GN Gert Nilsson of Bonäset, Norhern Sweden. The bird feeders are hanging from a tree planted for this season, about one metre from GN's computer corner.

Here is a greeting from Norway and free radio fan plus radio entrepreneur Svenn Martinsen:
A greeting from Sietse of Radio Seagull via Bengt Ericson to all ARC members:
Here we see the QTH of KLKaj Larson and his faithful Newfoundland companion Sara.

This card comes from Odd Påg - as he says, "A greeting from Santa Claus in the antenna forest"

The next one is from LAB Lasse Bygdén of Tomterna with best wishes from Lasse and his family plus cats Gabbi and Ronja.

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