torsdag 23 februari 2012

Program för ARC/SWB-konventet 2012, Bergdala Värdshus, Växjö

Preliminärt program för ARC/SWB konvent Bergdala Wärdshus 2012
Vi börjar den 5 maj med välkomstfika 1500!! en punto! så checka gärna in innan!
In- och utcheckning av respektive direkt med receptionen Monica eller Klas Nystrand.
-  Bengt Dalhammar berättar och visar bilder från sin resa till St Barthélemy. (c:a 20 min)
-  Bengt Ericson berättar och visar bilder från de gamla svenska MV-sändarna och Radio Sweden
  International.(c:a 15 min)
- Ullmar Quick förväntas rapportera om sin mv-forskning enl uppdrag vid förra konventet
Före en 1-2-3-rätters köttmiddag 1800 inbjuder HM till "förfriskningar" med fri fotpromenad eller bil shuffel till QTH Johansberg -  ca 1800 m. Middag med alla rättigheter och skyldigheter!!

- Bengt Dalhammar kör tävlingen - segrade galant i Halmstad - medtag priser till denna.

Förslag till "övrigt" emotses tacksamt.
"Clip Cluben" - tag med intressanta ljudklipp för uppspelning! - data-högtalare finns (HM)
Medtag gärna din närmaste bästis som gäst!!

Se på eller i mv-eko nr 52/11 för närmare studie av lokaliteterna. Vi kommer att husera i huset Vega med i allt 20 sängplatser (dubbelrum) (kan utökas vid behov) med stort dagrum för våra samkväm. Har någon en "kanon" v v kontakta BE.

I övrigt klubbarnas standardprogrampunkter (årsmöten) enl ordf och sekr planering.

Anmälan kan ske redan till BE och HM - tel och @ enl listan. Stop date blir ca 4 v före konventet. Kolla noga att du är ledig helgen 5-6 maj!!

Hjärtligt välkomna säger vi redan
Bengt o Hasse

måndag 20 februari 2012

IPDA 1440, Santo Amaro da Purificação, Brasil

Address to Brazilian station on 1440

Jorge Freitas who lives in Feira de Santana has been kind enough to travel to Santo Amaro
in order to find out where the IPDA relay station in this town is located. Here is his information:


Fui hoje a Santo Amaro da Purificação, cerca de 60/70 km daqui de Feira de Santana, somente para ver o endereço dessa emissora e encontrei o endereço da Rádio. Não tinha ninguém no momento nos estúdios, pois eles estavam em culto e retransmitindo os programas da IPDA de Salvador, como sempre. Tinha um carro na garagem, mas acredite, não havia nenhuma inscrição com o nome da Rádio, mas os vizinhos e outras pessoas confirmaram que ali era a Rádio Independência da Bahia da igreja IPDA. Aqui está:

Rua Conselheiro Paranhos, 56
CEP.: 44200-000
Santo Amaro da Purificação – Bahia

O amigo é muito mais experiente que eu e sabe que conseguir uma confirmação dessa emissora é uma façanha e tanto. Não custa tentar enviar brindes para eles. Também não custa lembrar enviar as despesas de correio de retorno e esperar a sorte, o bom seria em selos brasileiros, se você desejar eu posso te enviar. Espero que tenha sorte e no que eu puder te ajudar conte comigo.

Jorge Freitas
Feira de Santana BA - Brasil

(Henrik Klemetz, February 19, 2012)

Latin American DX news from Henrik Klemetz HK

En route to Peru
During openings to southern Peru (Cusco, Puno, Sicuani, Juliaca, Arequipa) a few otherwise rather unusual Brazilians  become audible, viz. 1259.96 Rádio Educadora, Guajará Mirim, and 1430.006 Rádio Caiari, Porto Velho, the latter one relaying the Rádio Aparecida network from 0300 onwards.  Both stations are located near the Bolivian and Peruvian borders.   (Henrik Klemetz)

Peruvian news
-1150.15  Radio Frontera, Juliaca, listed as Radio Líder, heard in Finland late December 2010 and 2011 at 0815 UTC.  The station is affiliated to Radio Frontera, Tacna, but offers individual programming following the format used by Tacna. ( Verification was obtained by phoning and emailing the Tacna programme manager, Inés Tacora.
-1349.834  Radio Santa Beatriz, Cusco, logged in Scandinavia last spring and again in February 2012 with folklore programming. They are easily spotted thanks to a characteristic wobbling carrier.  Frequently announcing 103.3 // 1350.  The station belongs to the Radio Las Vegas group, whose station in Cusco has been heard on several occasions on 1510.
-1549.83 A station relaying La Voz de la Liberación was heard late December 2011 shortly after 0800 UTC. The mention of the address of IPDA church in Lima, Jirón Carabaya 923, seemed to indicate that this was Radio Indpendencia, in Lima.  Pedro F. Arrunátegui subsequently measured the frequency on his equipment as 1549.84.   (Henrik Klemetz)

Digital vs. alphabetical ID

-1480 WMDD, Fajardo,
Puerto Rico, have reverted to the slogan “el 14-80 am”, easier to memorize on a car radio.  Their web address is and their email address 
Conversely, in Europe, where callsigns do not matter any longer, RDS is widely in use.  
(Henrik Klemetz)

Colombian football commentaries

-1060.243  Radio Surcolombiana, Neiva, heard in the UK with a summary of a football match.  The station is an independent operation, but in sports it uses the infotainment  team, called “Trabuco Todelar” which is exists in all major Colombian cities.   One of the specialties is their seamless insertion of commercial messages into the running commentary.    Ciro Antonio Ruiz is the star narrator of Radio Surcolombiana.  (Henrik Klemetz)

Bolivia: East and West

-1000.13 Radio difusoras del Oriente, Santa Cruz, listed on 1000, was recently heard in Finland. Their actual url is  The station verified promptly after reporting their announced address of  This station seems to support a secessionist movement wishing to separate the eastern part of Bolivia (el Oriente) from the Andean region. 

-1480 Radio Amor de Dios is not located in La Paz proper as listed, but in El Alto, which is a suburb overlooking La Paz from an altitude of more than 4,000 metres.  The station was heard in 2007 by Alfredo Cañote in Peru on 6215 as reported in Condiglist,  Finndxer and DXLD #7032.  This station was heard on one occasion in Sweden last year. Angel Oquendo confirms that the Amor de Dios church and the station is at Calle Noaviri 2105, Zona Amor de Dios, El Alto, La Paz, Bolivia.  The pastor is Faustino Laura Alegría. There is no email.  (Henrik Klemetz)

CNN en español

WURN 1020 has been running CNN news reports under the name of “Actualidad 1020”, but since the addition of WLVJ 1040 to the network, the slogan is now “Actualidad Radio”.  (Henrik Klemetz)

tisdag 7 februari 2012

DX-test from WFIL 560, Philadelphia, PA on February 12

WFIL 560 Philadelphia PA will conduct a test on Feb. 12, 2012 at 0000-0100 EST (0500-0600 UTC). They will utilize day pattern at 5kw. No other information was on the Facebook page. Thanks to the staff at WFIL/WNTP for this information. (via IRCA's "soft" DX Monitor 49/22)

fredag 3 februari 2012

New Philippine MW station: DWUN 1350 kHz

A Philippine MW-station of UNTV relay during the Autumn was finally heard with a full ID "UNTV Radyo La Verdad Tapat at Totoo 13-50" on Jan 18th. According to several web-pages the station started with own programs on Jan 16th after several months test with UNTV relay (which were heard often in Scandinavia since October 2011). According to web-pages the power is 50 kW and the call now is DWUN. The station has been heard on 1349.97 kHz. (Tarmo Kontro, ARC, Finland)