söndag 21 december 2014

Christmas greetings to and from Arctic Radio Club members

As usual at this time of the year some Christmas greetings are coming in from near and far. First we have one from our Norvegian friend Svenn Martinsen of the Northern Star radio project and Bergen Kringkaster. Don't forget to check out the 1314 spot now and then!

The next card comes all the way from Colombia and the enthusiasts behind the stations Marfil Estereo / La Voz de tu Conciencia and Alcaravan Radio. Do listen in to their programmes when you are scanning the bands over the holiday season.

Here is one from Artur Fernandez Llorealla in Spain:

DE CEPRA: ¡Felices Fiestas!  Dolores Arce, Directora Ejecutiva CEPRA sent this card to ARC-member Thomas Nilsson,

Coming up next are greetings from our friend Torgeir Woxen of Norway:

Over to Finland and Jorma Mäntylä in Kangasala for the next season's greetings:

From the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, here is one from our friend BEFF Björn Fransson:

Och här kommer baksidan:

A nice picture from the winter wonderland of Northern Sweden and our friend Lars Bygdén:

fredag 19 december 2014

RTE 252 kHz remaining on the air until 2017

The RTÉ longwave service is to be extended until at least 2017.

RTÉ Radio 1 LW will operate a full service in 2015, with reduced hours in 2016 before working towards a full shutdown in 2017.

The service was due to end early next year after RTÉ postponed a decision to close the transmitter until 19 January. Read more. (RTE website)

måndag 15 december 2014

NDR Germany closing down MW transmitters

NDR is to close its four mediumwave transmitters on 13 January 2015, original report in German: http://www.radioszene.de/75141/letztes-weihnachten-fuer-ndr-mittelwellen.html

and in English but not well translated - sorry:: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radioszene.de%2F75141%2Fletztes-weihnachten-fuer-ndr-mittelwellen.html&edit-text=&act=url

The frequencies affected are:
Hamburg-Moorfleet (972 kHz)
Flensburg (702 kHz)
Lingen (792 kHz)
Hanover (828 kHz)
James Robinson (15/12-2014)

Acc. to the above news from radioszene.de WDR, SR and BR also have plans about closing down their MW transmitters. Ydun Ritz (15/12-2014) via Jan Edh, ARC

måndag 8 december 2014

Radio Ukraine International 1431 starting service in Russian on December 10

The transmitter on 1431 kHz Radio Ukraine International plans to start its service in Russian on December 10th between 1500 and 1700 UTC. The transmissions are beamed to North-Northeast.  (Info from Mauno Ritola via Bengt Ericson, ARC)

torsdag 4 december 2014

Radio Ukraina International new on 1431 kHz

UKRAINA 1431 Radio Ukraina International (RUI) has started transmissions on December 1st with 800 kW from probably Mykolayiv in the southwestern part of the country. The transmissions are beamed to the northeast, but for the moment  only in Ukrainian.between 1500-1900. Excellent signal in Växjö. Information from Ukrainian sources via Mauno Ritola WRTH via Bengt Ericson, ARC.