tisdag 29 oktober 2013

ARCTIC RADIO CLUB special Christmas programmes

Radio Merkurs in Riga, Latvia will be broadcasting special Christmas programmes for ARC on the 22nd and 28th December 2013 via the transmitter near the seaside resort Jurmala on the Latvian west coast broadcasting on 1485 kHz. The schedule is 1500-1600 Swedish time = 1400-1500 UTC.
The programs will be produced by the ARC member Ronny Forslund (Ronny B Goode) and every member that wants to send a special dedication can do so. Send your mp3 file with your Christmas greetings and your music request to info@rock.x.se. If you have a recording of your requested music, please include it. Deadline for contributions is December 15.

ARTIC RADIO CLUB will confirm all correct reports with our special QSL-card. Send your report and mp3-file to: info@rock.x.se  or ARC, c/o Ronny Forslund, Vita Huset, SE-17995 SVARTSJÖ, SWEDEN. If you want a QSL card, please include some form of return postage. Email reports will be confirmed by email.

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